Living Room, 2009IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Chandelier, 2009IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Dressing Gown, 2009IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Green Dress, 2009IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Broken Glass, 2009IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Hallway, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Kitchen, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Bamboo, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Ferns, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Mirror, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Staircase, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Violin, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Bedroom, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
Cupboards, 2008IN BETWEEN, 2009/2010
In Between, 2009/2010 'In Between' continues my story of a girl's experiences during her transition from girlhood to womanhood. She has now progressed from the almost pre-pubescent teens ('Teenage Stories'), to another more advanced stage in her adolescent progression in life, but it is not yet completed. These images return to showing the girls alone. Emphasizing once more that though the girls' physical and emotional changes are revealed very publicly, a teenage girl is in fact always alone with her metamorphosis. Now we see the girls caught in motion - jumping, floating, or falling. These images are very dynamic, in stark contrast to my earlier images. In this way, I have tried to indicate a forward, very positive movement towards maturity. Note how all of the girls are suspended in motion, revealing a significant but only temporary hiatus in their progress to womanhood. Their feet are still not firmly planted on the ground as they continually, fragilely adjust to their changing appearance and a new role in society. I have included a state of minor 'chaos' in the pictures - a fallen mirror, spilt milk, scattered music score, falling violin, floating books - a reminder that this is a hallmark of the pandemonium of teenage years. Although these images again emphasise the tension, confusion and loneliness experienced by a girl when her physical, mental and environmental circumstances change, I have added a touch of humour, frivolity even, to accentuate the point. The transition to womanhood has progressed, it is nowhere near completion.