KOSTADINOS, Lockdown 2, 2020
What lessons has Covid-19 taught you so far?
I always believe in God.
When the time comes ‘we go’.
Everything is in God’s hands.
I always trust God.
Sikh always say ‘We are all ONE human being. Light is one. God is one’
God only created one light. Everyone is equal.
Our temple has four doors. Any religion is welcome. He can sleep and eat and we give shelter to those in need.
Who do you live with?
I live with my wife and my cat. My wife always dresses me. She looks after me day and night, like a shadow.
Tell me a bit about your current situation
I go out every day, sitting in the park. I need a wheelchair and only go with my wife.
I like to go out, laugh and joke and have good food in restaurants.
I was born in India, Punjab, Rajbura in 1949.