MALAIKA, Lockdown Day 18
How has Covid-19 affected you?
I haven’t been able to see my friends and some of my family. For example, over the Easter holiday, my family and I were supposed to go to Uganda in Africa to see family, but sadly the flight was cancelled. My cousin from France was supposed to come to London for his internship, but that has been postponed.
What lessons has Covid-19 taught you so far?
Covid-19 has taught me to spend more quality time with my family and enjoy the time playing games together. Who do you live with? I live with my mum, dad and brother.
What do you miss the most?
I miss seeing friends and family and going outside without staying 2 metres away from everyone.
Tell me a bit about your current situation
Currently, I think our situation is okay because we have a garden to play in and get fresh air. We don’t need to go out of the house, unless for food and supplies. From next week, I will be starting online classes and online music lessons, so that our teachers can check in with us.